History of Cambridge City Junior Hockey Club
Junior hockey in Cambridge was trialled in 1985 in collaboration between Cambridge Hockey Clubs, Cambridge City Council Amenities and Recreation Department and the Hockey Association to encourage more juniors to become involved in the sport.
In the first season there were 7 one hour sessions held on Sunday mornings at Coldhams Common in Cambridge which continued on an ‘ad hoc’ basis with a gradual increase in numbers. By the end of 1989/1990 season a suggestion was made by the parent volunteers to formalise activities and form a Committee. This came into effect in 1990/91 , affiliation was with Cambridge City Hockey Club to continue to provide the benefit of progression to senior hockey whilst remaining an independent club. A constitution was prepared and adopted in the 1999/2000 season.
Club Training for all age Groups September 2004

In 2004 a new forward thinking chairman and treasurer were appointed and it was then Cambridge City Junior Hockey Club was formed. There was renewed impetus and membership began to increase rapidly. In 2006 the club moved to two new training venues, The Perse School and Leys School to accommodate the burgeoning membership.
At the start of the 2018/19 season, two new pitches were built thanks to a very generous donation by the parents of a former junior alongside the University’s existing pitch at the University Sports ground on Wilberforce Road . This is where Cambridge City Junior Hockey Club called home. Subsequently, we have finished our relationship with CCHC and are creating a new formula of hockey club based around maximising Astro time for all and ensuring every player has access to professional coaching.
In this year the Club entered its first tournament with a mixed age U10 team with players aged 4 – 9 years old. GOLD Winners
2009/10 AGM Objective to make the girls as successful as the boys
U10 Boys County Champions and regional finalists 2nd place
U10 Girls County Champions
U12 Boys County Champions and Regional finalists
U12 Boys won the Framingham Tournament
2010/11 Now 248 members
England Hockey set up Junior Clubs Competitions
Set up U14 Boys group
U14 Boys won Regional Finals in 1st season
U12 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U12 Boys County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Boys County RU and Regional Finalists
2011/12 U16 Boys Regional Finalists
U14 Boys Regional Champions for the second year running
U12 Girls County Champions, Regional Finalists, National Finals
U12 boys County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists 3rd place
2012/13 Formation of U8’s
U14 Girls, U10 & U12 girls and boys train at the Perse School
All teams reached Regional Finals
U16 Boys National Finals
U14 Girls National Finals

U14 Boys Regional Finalists
U12 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U12 Boys County Runners up Regional Finalists
U10 Boys County Champions, Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
2013/14 U16 Boys National Finals 3rd place

Set up U16 girls with help from Living Sport
Regional Finalists in first season
U14 boys National Finals 4th place
U12 Girls Regional Finalists National Finals 3rd place
U12 Boys County Champions National Finals
U12 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Boys County RU Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalist
2014/15 Set up U14 Girls Development side
Set up U18 Boys Won the National Finals in first season

U18 Boys Cambridgeshire Youth Team of the Year 2015
U14 Girls National Finals 2nd place
U12 Boys County Champions National Finals
U12 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Boys County RU Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
2015/16 U18 Boys Quarter Finals EH Cup
U16 Girls Regional Finalists
U14 Girls National Finals 2nd place
U14 Boys Regional Finalists
U12 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U12 Boys County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Boys County Champions, Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
Set up U14 boys Development side
2016/17 U18 Boys Quarter Finals EH Cup
U16 Girls Regional Finalists
U14 Boys National Finals
U14 Girls Regional Finalists
U12 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U12 Boys County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Boys County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U6’s group started in sports Hall at The Perse School
2017/18 U16 Girls National Finals 5th place
U16 Boys Regional Finalists
U14 Girls Regional Finalists
U12 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U12 Boys County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Girls County Champions Regional Finalists
U10 Boys County Champions Regional
60 regular volunteers/administrators/coaches
2018 Start of construction of £2.5m facilities at Wilberforce Road.
Negotiations begin for a possible merger of CCHC and CCJHC
2018/19 U10 Boys Regional Finalists RU
U10 Girls Regional Finalists
U12 Girls Regional Finalists
U12 Boys National champions
U14 Girls National Finalists
U14 Girls T2 Area Champions
U16 Boys Regional Finalists
U16 Girls National Finalists
U18 Girls National Finals RU
The 2019/20 Season was to be very different this year coming to an abrupt end in March as the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Teams had qualified for Regional Finals which were unable to be played. Sadly this meant U12 boys were unable to defend their title and are the holding Champions for another season.
U10 Boys County Finals
U10 Girls County Final Winners
U12 Boys County Final Winners
U12 Girls County Final Winners
U14 Boys T1
U14 Boys T2
U14 Girls T1
U14 Girls HCJL
U14 Girls T2 Trinity
U14 Girls T2 Pembroke
A season which began under COVID-19 protocol but with lots of enthusiasm and time at our home ground.
U14 Girls EH Knockout semi- finslists
U14 Boys EH Knockout semi-finalists
U12 Boys Hertford Tournament Winners
Repton Tournament Winners
U12 Girls Hertford Tournament silver medalists